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"Charlene went the extra mile"

A review of Bon Marche by R Robinson written on Saturday 5th of May 2012


As customers we all to often are quick to complain,I want to bring to your attention a young lady that has served me recently at your connswater outlet. I am going to a family wedding and have been in and out of this particular shop a few times, luckily I was served by Charlene who very graciously help me put an outfit together, as an overweight lady who spends most of her life in jeans and t shirt I was most grateful and more importantly made to feel comfortable with Charlene's professional and helpful manner. She is a credit to your store a good example of a shop assistant and indeed encourages me to use Bon Marche more regularily when clothes shopping. I hope you can pass on my thanks again to Charlene and let her know how appreciative shoppers are of someone with her attitude. thank you..

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Bon Marche

Map showing Bon Marche on Connswater Shopping Centre